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June 18, 2007 Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2007

DRAFT DOCUMENT – Subject to Commission Approval

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Parks and Recreation Office, Town Hall, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.
PRESENT:  Commissioners Hayes, Simpkins, Szymanski, and Waltiere, Director Green,
                      Groundsman Tetro and Mary Lou Morell from the Park Office.

                  Chairman Foster arrived at 7:04 p.m.
GUESTS:     First Selectman Ed Filipone, Selectman Mark Simmons, Margaret Hoffman
                      and Kathy Pippin.


        A quorum was established as four commission members were present.




        Minutes for Regular Meeting of March 19, 2007, Special Meeting of April 11,
        2007 and Regular Meeting of May 21, 2007 were tabled as all members
        required for approval were not present at this time.    




Item has been tabled as Chairman Foster was not present at the
time this item was addressed.   


a.      Dog Park

Christine Schwartz could not attend this evening’s meeting but has
E-mailed the Commission asking for input on the Dog Park.  After
discussion the Commission is recommending that the Town Attorney review statute on town liability.  The Commission discussed locations for the Park and will need to determine the most appropriate site.  The Commission is
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           2
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2007

OLD BUSINESS/a)  Dog Park  (continued):

concerned about continued maintenance as the Parks and Recreation Dept. does not have the manpower to take on this responsibility.

b.      Warehouse Point Park – Fencing

Hartford Wire Works will be installing and repairing fencing on various fields at the Park, starting this week.  Only one field project per day will be undertaken to avoid any conflicts with Little League games.  Total cost for
this park is $10,800.

A new backstop at the baseball diamond at Prospect Hill Park is needed.  Hartford Wire Works has quoted $3,400 to complete.

MOTION:   To ACCEPT the $3,400 quote from Hartford Wire Works
to install a new backstop at the baseball diamond at     Prospect Hill Park.

Foster moved/Hayes seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:           Unanimous


a.      Broad Brook Pond

The Broad Brook Fire Department held a water training exercise at Broad Brook Pond and found debris in the water that presents a safety issue.  Deputy
Chief David Lockwood has written the Department questioning who is responsible for that body of water.  First Selectman Filipone will discuss this
issue with Chief Meyers and Public Works Director Len Norton.

b.      Testing Firm – East Windsor Park Water Quality

The Department is in violation of State Statutes for reporting on the drinking water quality at East Windsor Park.  Director Green is requesting the Department to contract with Enviro-Tech Lab to test the water and report the results to the State to bring us into compliance.  Request was approved.

The well at East Windsor Park is in violation as the well head is below ground and in a cement block vault.  The Department will have 45 days from written notice of the violation to draft plans to bring the well head above ground and design a well house to house a holding tank.  Mark Brennan Plumbing will draft a plan with cost figures to be submitted to the State for approval.   There is a one-year time frame to implement the approved plan to correct this situation.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           3
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2007

NEW BUSINESS  (Continued):

c.      WPCA Sewer Service Area Map – review

The Commission is being asked to review the accuracy of the map as to placement of fields in their proper locations.  Groundsman Tetro will verify
field locations.  
d.      Financial Accounts Review

The current Budget by Department report was discussed.  June is the end of the fiscal year end and efforts are being undertaken to complete Department
spending of the Budget for 2006-2007 by June 30, 2007.

The part-time salary account will not be fully utilized because the waterfront has not been opened for the season and the basketball court at East Windsor Park is under renovation.  Gate fees consequently will be down.

e.      Park Director’s Report

Director Green reported that the Gate House at East Windsor Park was backed into on a Friday evening after a softball game and knocked off its foundation.  A “hit and run” situation.  The Police and CIRMA were notified.  The violator was identified the following Tuesday and wishes to pay restitution in full.  CIRMA has assigned this claim to an outside adjuster and is awaiting the Commission’s response to proceed further.  

The Gate House was torn down the day after the event with  services provided by the Building Inspector, carpenter, electrician and Public Works crew (the next Monday).  Expense was incurred to dispose of the debris.

First Selectman Filipone stated he has had several contacts with the perpetrator and will secure a quote from his contractor to compare pricing for the replacement.  The Commission stated the Gate House needs to be reconstructed by July 1, 2007 as our summer season is in full session.

Let the record show First Selectman Filipone left the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
Director Green is in need of storage space at East Windsor Park for safe             storage of camp equipment and supplies, the golf cart and equipment used by the grounds crew at the Park.  She has received a quote from Eagle Container for a 40’ x 8’ x 8’ container to rent at $60 for four weeks or to purchase for
$2,400.00.  The Commission inquired into the warranty, paint color and ventilation.  It was also suggested that Kelly Container on Route 75 in Windsor Locks might be another company to seek a quote.  It was also suggested to
check with the Building Department for compliance once a placement location has been determined.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           4
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2007

NEW BUSINESS/e  Park Director’s Report  (continued):

MOTION:   To APPROVE up to $3,000, to be charged to the 2007/2008
                  Budget, for the purchase of a storage container with options,
                  after conducting a comparison search. 
Simpkins moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:           Unanimous
Director Green reported that the recent rain storm has tainted the quality of the water at East Windsor Park.  The waterfront is shut down until further notice. This was reported to the First Selectman and the Inlands/Wetlands Officer is to review the cause of this condition.  The rain, run off or disturbance of land may be from further up stream.  It was suggested that the Farmer’s Bureau may be consulted as to the impact on the Reservoir.  She is waiting for the water testing results of the Reservoir from the June 18, 2007 sample.  If unacceptable, the water will be retested on June 20, 2007.  Part-time staff will be present at East Windsor Park to monitor the waterfront and keep swimmers out of the water during this shut down.

Director Green stated that she was verbally informed by the State to refrain from
draining the East Windsor Park Reservoir as the silt run off is building up downstream as determined by the monitors for water quality at the Mill Street
bridge project.  Inlands/Wetlands was consulted on this issue and Director Green was told by the Inlands/Wetlands Officer that the State needs to communicate the issue in writing.  No action is required unless notified in writing.

Issues such as these that affect the quality of the water at the Reservoir lead up to the need for a pool at East Windsor Park. 

The Commission stated that they were not informed of the lease of the town property on Reservoir Road (formerly owned by Kogut) and that it then would be farmed.   This may have an impact on the water quality at East Windsor Park.
Selectman Simmons will discuss the ramification of this lease on other town departments at the next Board of Selectman’s meeting on July 3, 2007.

Director Green reports that summer camp is 50% full.   It has been extended to four days a week and will start July 9, 2007.

Leagues/Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Osborn Park (Warehouse Point)/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

  No discussion this evening.

Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           5
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2007

NEW BUSINESS (continued):

f.      Groundsman’s Report:

Groundsman’s Tetro reported he participated in the Rotary Club “Touch-a-Truck” event with the new mower on June 5, 2007.  400 kids attended this successful event and there were 20+ vehicles on display.

The stone retaining wall at the horseshoe pit at East Windsor Park will be started Saturday and finished on Sunday.  The grass area will then need to be reseeded.

Groundsman’s Tetro reported that Fence Man Fence is finishing up the parking fence in the upper parking lot at East Windsor Park.

Groundsman’s Tetro stated that Little League is finishing up their season and the Men’s Softball League at East Windsor Park is in full swing.

It was reported that the 2nd base on Field 6 at Osborn is in poor condition.
As Little League is responsible for the maintenance of bases on the fields,
they should be notified by letter of this condition.

Commissioner Szymanski complimented Groundsman Tetro on the condition of Field #2 at East Windsor Park.

Abbe Road Soccer Complex/Pierce Park (Windsorville)/Prospect Hill Park (Warehouse Point)/Broad Brook Pond Park:     

  No discussion this evening.



Chairman Foster had been nominated, at a prior meeting, to continue to serve as Chairman of the Commission.  Chairman Foster accepts that nomination.


        MOTION:   To APPROVE the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 19,
                         2007 as written.

                         Hayes moved/Foster seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous

        MOTION:   To APPROVE the Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 11,
                          2007 as written.
Town of East Windsor
Parks & Recreation Commission                           6
Regular Meeting – June 18, 2007


Szymanski moved/Foster seconded/VOTE:   In Favor:  Unanimous    







The bills were reviewed and approved by Commissioners Simpkins and Szymanski.


        MOTION:   To ADJOURN this meeting at 8:20 p.m.

                          Szymanski moved/Waltiere seconded/VOTE:  In Favor:

Respectfully submitted, __________________________________
                                      Mary Lou Morell
                                      Recording Secretary